Result for "The Invisible Man"

The Invisible Shore
0 2020
Four years ago, sailing competitor Guo Chuan, who was sailing across the Pacific Ocean in a solo sailboat, lost contact with the shore team after 3pm on the 25th when sailing to the waters near Hawaii.
The Invisible Line
7.2 2020
The birth of the Basque terrorist gang ETA and its first attack, of which José Antonio Pardines, a Guardia Civil traffic officer, was the victim.
The Invisible Guest
8 2017
Barcelona, Spain. Adrián Doria, a young and successful businessman accused of murder, meets one night with Virginia Goodman, an expert interrogation lawyer, in order to devise a defense strategy.
K2 & The Invisible Footmen
7 2015
K2 is widely seen as the world's harshest mountain. Yet many indigenous porters make a living in its extreme conditions, carrying provisions for foreign climbing expeditions. Often risking their lives, they receive minimal pay for their efforts. Against a backdrop of breathtaking natural beauty, this doc explores the courage and sacrifice of the men who call the 'Savage Mountain' their home.
The Invisible Woman
6.1 2013
In 1857, at the height of his fame and fortune, novelist and social critic Charles Dickens meets and falls in love with teenage stage actress Nelly Ternan. As she becomes the focus of his heart and mind, as well as his muse, painful secrecy is the price both must pay.
The Invisible Woman
5.5 2009
Once assuming people ignored her because they weren't interested, Lili begins to suspect that she might be literally invisible.
The Invisible Chronicles
3.1 2009
A brilliant young college student named Griffin goes to his psychologist, Dr. Kemp, with a strange and frightening tale. A few days earlier, at the local university, he made an incredible breakthrough with his experiments involving invisibility. Not content to experiment on inanimate objects, he injected his invisibility serum into himself. At first, he reveled in achieving his life-long dream of becoming invisible ... but once he realized that the effects were permanent, his harmless excursions into eavesdropping and voyeurism turned murderous. Now, his enemies will suffer and even his friends are no longer safe as he hunts them down, one by one, within the confines of the deserted university campus.
The Invisible Children
6.8 2001
A young boy and his friends attempt to become invisible to get closer to the girls they desire. They must steal the magic recipe and its ingredients without getting caught to perform the ritual.
The Invisible Circus
5.5 2001
After learning that her sister, Faith, has committed suicide in Portugal, Phoebe, an 18-year-old hippie, decides to uproot from her San Francisco home to travel to Europe. Phoebe hopes to discover and experience the life that led to her sister's death by retracing her footsteps, which eventually leads to Wolf -- Faith's boyfriend. However, as Phoebe's journey continues, a series of visions of Faith pushes her mind to the brink.
The Invisible Wall
7.2 1991
June 27, 1980: a DC–9 flying over the Tyrrhenian Sea breaks up mid-air and crashes near the Italian island of Ustica, killing all 81 people on board. The official version blames the "structural failure" of the plane, but a young journalist smells a cover-up and starts fighting to break free the truth from the 'invisible wall' of lies built by politicians and air force higher-ups.