Result for "Johnny English Strikes Again"

Nothing Strikes Back!
0 2022
Shot during the 94th Academy Awards.
Moscow Strikes Back
6.7 1942
Soviet documentary about the defeat of the Nazis near Moscow. Warning - graphic images. Edward G. Robinson narrates the English language version.
Dudes Again!
5.3 2023
Sequel to Dudes (2001). After 20 years, follows some of the initial characters as they show they haven't changed and their lives are almost the same, while featuring a new generation of kids who are trying to make it through.
Alone Again in Fukushima
5.5 2023
“Alone Again is Fukushima” is the long-awaited sequel to "Alone in Fukushima" (2015), which followed Naoto Matsumura, a man who remained in the nuclear zone in Fukushima to tend animals. The film has followed Naoto for nearly a decade and portrays how Naoto and the animals survived the residents' return to the town, Tokyo Olympics, and COVID-19. In the course of 10 years, many animals and humans were born and died. But Naoto remained in the town and took care of the animals. He raised chickens and kept bees in order to survive. In 2017, Tomioka became the place where people can come back to live, however most young people didn’t return. There is no end in sight for the nuclear crisis in Fukushima. The contaminated water is overflowing and will be pumped out to the ocean soon. Meanwhile the government is trying to restart the nuclear reactors all over the country. The film will give us a chance to reflect on this situation by looking at how Naoto and animals survive in Fukushima.
Will It Happen Again?
5.1 1948
An account of Adolf Hitler's rise and fall, his relationship with Eva Braun and their days of leisure at the Berghof, their Bavarian residence.
To See You Again
8.2 2020
In 2016 the Mexican District Attorney secretly buried more than 100 murdered bodies during the war against drug trafficking. They kept it hidden until a group of women, mothers, discovered it while searching for their missing children. One of them retrieves the body of her brother. "To See You Again" narrates the participation of Mexican women as they exhume what remains of the corpses and learn about forensic work. They help us discover the crimes committed by the state when burying the bodies.
Begin Again: Open Mic
10 2020
The "Open Mic" series was designed to expand the stage of "Begin Again" to a space where more diverse musicians and music can coexist. It is a channel where any musician who loves music can participate. It is a digital content that contains the music and the stories of various musicians who take on the challenge of busking where anyone can sing with just one microphone and make a stage anywhere.
5.5 2023
♾️COMEBACK AGAIN 'That Summer' of 2023!♾️ The six men have returned, "Hello, this is Infinite"
Make Democracy Great Again
4.9 2023
The documentary film Make Democracy Great Again focuses on one of the most important questions of our time: Will democracy survive?