Result for "First Man"

The Impressionists: And the Man Who Made Them
8 2015
Monet, Cezanne, Degas, Renoir: some of the world’s most popular artists. Their works, and that of their contemporaries, fetch tens of millions of dollars around the globe. But who were they really? Why & how exactly did they paint? What lies behind their enduring appeal? To help answer these questions, this unique film secured unparalleled access to a major exhibition focussing on the man credited with inventing impressionism as we know it: 19th-century Parisian art collector Paul Durand-Ruel. This eagerly anticipated international exhibition is possibly the most comprehensive exploration of the Impressionists in history.
It's Me, Hilary: The Man Who Drew Eloise
6.3 2015
This portrait of Hilary Knight, the artist behind the iconic Eloise books, sees him reflecting on his life as an illustrator and his relationship to his most successful work.
Out-Takes from the Life of a Happy Man
7.9 2012
"A motion picture composed of brief diaristic scenes not used in completed films from the years 1960-2000; and self-referential video footage taped during the editing. Brief glimpses of family, friends, girl-friends, the City, seasons of the year, travels. Occasionally I talk, reminisce, or play music I taped during those earlier years, plus more recent piano improvisations by Auguste Varkalis. It's a kind of autobiographical, diaristic poem, celebration of happiness and life. I consider myself a happy man." - Jonas Mekas
Rite of Passage: The Amazing Spider-Man Reborn
7.2 2012
A documentary on the making of The Amazing Spider-Man (2012), featuring interviews with the cast and crew, as well as behind-the-scenes footage.
Oculus: Chapter 3 - The Man with the Plan
6.3 2006
A man sets out to prove an antique mirror is haunted.
The Man Who Is Obsessed With The Number 12
5.5 2005
Hugh Williams is a father trapped in an endless nightmare of repetition and ritual as family life continues around him. This observational documentary film portrays mind-crippling Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and shows its devastating effect on families and family life. For Hugh every day is a battle against every object in his house because every single piece has a particular place where it must be placed, oriented precisely according to Hugh's OCD condition. From the bacon in the fridge to the socks in his chest of drawers, the ornaments on the mantelshelf, even the sound a door's magnetic latch makes and the position of the dog's water bowl are the cause of consternation to Hugh who must have everything exactly right.
Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story
3.2 2004
Chronicles the rise and fall of pop king Michael Jackson.
The Man Who Wanted to Classify the World
7.5 2002
Paul Otlet was a Belgian, *1868, died 1944, who perfected the Dewey Classification system as "the Universal Decimal Classification", in his lifetime alone totalling 17 million index cards of human knowledge.
Lai Man-wai: Father of Hong Kong Cinema
5.5 2002
In the life of Mr. Lai Man-wai, he had seen the most turbulent times of recent Chinese history. From the fall of the Qing Dynasty to the founding of the Republic, from the Sino-Japanese War to the founding of the People’s Republic. With a patriotic spirit, he joined the revolution and used the theatre to promote the revolutionary course. For a ‘stronger China’, and ‘education for all’, he chose film as his life long goal and career. Lai was more than the father of Hong Kong cinema was; he was also one of the pioneers of the Chinese cinema. He made Hong Kong’s first short fiction film ‘Zhuangzi Tests His Wife’. He opened the first Chinese owned cinema, the New World Cinema, in Hong Kong…. In the several decades, Lai had devoted his life and fortune in writing this glorious inaugural chapter in early Chinese film history. The technical enhancement, the introduction of foreign techniques and equipment were all part of his contribution to the Chinese cinema.
The President's Man: A Line in the Sand
4.3 2002
A counterterrorism specialist is assigned by the President to track down a terrorist who is suspected of planning to set off a nuclear device in the U.S.