Result for "Johnny English Strikes Again"

Poor Johnny and Arnika
6.5 1983
The poor but carefree vagabond Johnny meets the princess Árnika and they fall in love. An evil witch casts a spell on them which turns one of them into a duck. In order to be free of the spell they embark on a long journey to meet King Ajahtan Kutarbani, the only one who can lift the spell.
Fury of Johnny Kid
6 1967
Two family clans have always been enemies; they spend their time hating and killing each other. The daughter of the Campos family and the son of the Mounter family fall in love, thus causing further hatred and deaths.
Robinsonade, or My English Grandfather
6.5 1987
The film tells a strange story, in flashback, about a British Telegraph Company’s engineer named Hughes appearing in a distant Guria village. Falling in love with the beautiful Anna, the Englishman became the enemy of her brother, Bolshevik Nestor. Both Hughes and Nestor were shot dead by Lavrenty Mgeladze, who had once had everything, but later was dispossessed and driven out of the village. The old Anna told that story to a young composer who recorded the music: “My dear homeland, why are you weeping?…”
Kepa Junkera Come to Life Again
2 2022
Kepa Junkera left the stage on 6 December 2018 in Ghent, Belgium. He disappeared, his accordion fell silent. The news mentioned a stroke, urgent admission to hospital, a recovery process, and then nothing. The Basque artist who took the trikitixa and popular Basque music to the highest level, who pretty much brought out an album a year for the 32 years of his career, the self-taught man who became the most international Basque musician and who invited artists all over the world to sing in Basque disappeared without trace. Later came two years of hard work, of physiotherapy sessions to recover his physical mobility, learn to talk, move his hands, turn his head, eat, stay alive. Because Kepa continues to live, continues to create, to enjoy the thrill of art, of music, of poetry, of painting, of photography. This documentary is the story of that emotion.