Result for "Johnny English Strikes Again"

I'll Curse Everyone Together! Ultimate Horror Complete Collection That You Never Want to See Again
5.5 2015
A horror documentary that captures the consequences of those who have set foot in a cursed place. A man visits a place that is said to be a suicide spot without the knowledge of a medium. He is so eager to take credit for his visit that he has a horrifying experience.
The Outback
4.7 2016
Being teased for his color, Johnny the white koala joins a traveling carnival with Hamish, a Tasmanian devil, and Higgens, a photographer monkey as talent agents. On the way through the Australian outback desert, the trailer they are in comes loose and crashes. Johnny must live up to the hero status Hamish presents him as while the outback locals try to rescue a kidnapped koala from Bog, a giant crocodile and his dingo lackeys.
The Fabulous Journey of Mr. Bilbo Baggins, the Hobbit, Across the Wild Land, Through the Dark Forest, Beyond the Misty Mountains. There and Back Again
4.2 1985
The Author, i.e. J. R. R. Tolkien himself (played by Zinovij Gerdt), tells "his" story: the life of Bilbo Baggins, a quiet and enjoyable hobbit, is turned upside down when he decides to join the wizard Gandalf and a company of thirteen dwarves in an attempt to regain a treasure stolen from the latter. [Soviet television movie adaptation of "The Hobbit"]