



25 - Designs on Democracy: Part 2
May. 03,1994

G.F. Newman has 30 minutes of airtime on a controversial topic.

18 - The Search for Love and Glory
Aug. 23,1990

Julie Welch has 30 minutes of airtime on a controversial topic.

13 - Misrule Britannia: To BBC or not to BBC
Jan. 30,1986

Noel Annan has 30 minutes of airtime on a controversial topic.

11 - Misrule Britannia: Technology and Liberty
Aug. 10,1985

Duncan Campbell has 30 minutes of airtime on a controversial topic.


Opinions is a British talk programme broadcast on Channel 4 television in the 1980s and 1990s. According to Time magazine, Opinions gave "a public figure 30-minutes of airtime each week to expound on a controversial topic ". "A speaker could express his or her own views straight to camera for 30 minutes", "an earnest of Channel 4's faith and mission to bring edgy, alternative fare to the public and to excite reaction". "Individuals like the novelist Salman Rushdie and the historian EP Thompson each spoke to the camera for half an hour on a subject that interested them".


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