Deadly Myths

Deadly Myths



10 - Arise, Kill, and Eat?
Apr. 17,2021

Arise, Kill, and Eat?

9 - Myths about the Last Days
Apr. 16,2021

Myths about the Last Days

8 - Mark of the Beast Myths, Part 2
Apr. 15,2021

Mark of the Beast Myths, Part 2

7 - Mark of the Beast Myths, Part 1
Apr. 14,2021

Mark of the Beast Myths, Part 1

6 - Lawless Christianity, Part 2
Apr. 13,2021

Lawless Christianity, Part 2

5 - Lawless Christianity, Part 1
Apr. 12,2021

Lawless Christianity, Part 1

4 - Alive While Dead? Part 2: Eternal Life for Everybody?
Apr. 11,2021

Alive While Dead? Part 2: Eternal Life for Everybody?

3 - Alive While Dead? Part 1: The First Myth
Apr. 10,2021

Alive While Dead? Part 1: The First Myth

2 - Unmasking the Deadly Deceiver
Apr. 10,2021

Unmasking the Deadly Deceiver

1 - Cast Truth to the Ground
Apr. 09,2021

End of time deceptions tricking christian from the truth


Don’t be fooled! Believing myths can have deadly consequences. That’s why you shouldn’t miss this thrilling, eye-opening series that uncovers the outright myths and deceptions invading Christianity today—and how it is transforming and twisting the message of Jesus and the Bible.