A Matter of Customs

A Matter of Customs



32 - Jacky捉走滿芬要脅志剛
Oct. 17,2000

31 - Jacky置志剛於死地
Oct. 16,2000

30 - 馥明大義滅親
Oct. 13,2000

29 - 志剛心狠手辣
Oct. 12,2000

28 - 滿芬死纏志剛
Oct. 11,2000

27 - 玉桂殉職
Oct. 10,2000

26 - 志剛助小柔完成心願
Oct. 09,2000

25 - 小柔沉淪毒海
Oct. 06,2000

24 - 令山向馥明求婚
Oct. 05,2000

23 - 令山錦濠大鬥法
Oct. 04,2000

22 - 錦清自殺身亡
Oct. 03,2000

21 - 馥明對令山信心動搖
Oct. 02,2000

20 - 紀君對令山餘情未了
Sep. 29,2000

19 - 柱碩向紀香求婚
Sep. 28,2000

18 - 小柔不敢接受志剛
Sep. 27,2000

17 - 淑嫻體驗親情可貴
Sep. 26,2000

16 - 嘉怡為龍貓錯過復合機會
Sep. 25,2000

15 - 滿芬、志剛和平分手
Sep. 22,2000

14 - 馥明遭仇家伏擊
Sep. 21,2000

13 - 志剛滿芬感情受考驗
Sep. 20,2000

12 - 素心安然離世
Sep. 19,2000

11 - 馥明驚覺愛上令山
Sep. 18,2000

10 - 志剛被指是同志
Sep. 15,2000

9 - 楚雄甜睡中離世
Sep. 14,2000

8 - 小柔大報復
Sep. 13,2000

7 - 志剛被小柔襲擊
Sep. 12,2000

6 - 馥明大公無私
Sep. 11,2000

5 - 柱碩與志剛隔膜漸消
Sep. 08,2000

4 - 志剛與滿芬拍拖
Sep. 07,2000

3 - 滿芬遭注射愛滋針
Sep. 06,2000

2 - 志剛與柱碩爭拗被大肆報導
Sep. 05,2000

1 - 滿芬償願入海關特遣隊
Sep. 04,2000


Ming Lui devotes all her energy to her job as a customs superintendent. Ming's two capable subordinates, Lam Chi-kong and Moon Fung, always quarrel at work, but at the same time find each other attractive. However, their romance is short-lived, owing to their strong egos, and the two young customs inspectors soon fall in love with Kung Siu-yau and Lam Chi-kit respectively. Ming's newly developed relationship with rich publisher Tao Ling-shan faces challenges from Ling-shan's ex-girlfriend. Meanwhile, at work, Ming, Chi-kong, and Moon are forced to pay increasingly more attention to their careers as law enforcers.


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