Sisters of Pearl

Sisters of Pearl



23 - 祥興碧霞 計劃赴美定居
Jun. 02,2010

22 - 當選主席 祥興沾沾自喜
Jun. 01,2010

21 - 虧空公款 碧雲陷害大妹
May. 31,2010

20 - 有名無實 旭仔碧霖離婚
May. 28,2010

19 - 為兒前途 麗嫦拒賣股分
May. 27,2010

18 - 幾經波折 麗嫦誕下麟兒
May. 26,2010

17 - 官司敗訴 碧霞傷心崩潰
May. 25,2010

16 - 碧雲報復 拆散碧霞母子
May. 24,2010

15 - 碧雲報復 助羅家擄走伯添
May. 21,2010

14 - 假裝失蹤 耀生誓找縱火真兇
May. 20,2010

13 - 禍從口出 碧霖被迫嫁旭仔
May. 19,2010

12 - 追求幸福 碧霖決定逃婚
May. 18,2010

11 - 為報父仇 祥興插贓嫁禍
May. 17,2010

10 - 接贓罪名 碧雲碧霞先後被捕
May. 14,2010

9 - 意外受傷 碧雲證實不育
May. 13,2010

8 - 誣陷姦情 麗嫦旭仔被趕走
May. 12,2010

7 - 失戀買醉 碧霖險被姦污
May. 11,2010

6 - 債主臨門 碧霞被迫合作
May. 10,2010

5 - 祥興發難 碧霞揭破陰謀
May. 07,2010

4 - 碧霞為夫報仇 趕絕耀生
May. 06,2010

3 - 姊妹聯手 對抗麗嫦入侵
May. 05,2010

2 - 兆昌病逝 情婦現身分產
May. 04,2010

1 - 碧霞姊妹 感情備受考驗
May. 03,2010


Set in 1960s Hong Kong, "Sisters of Pearl" centers on the daughters of a jewelry merchant vying for the heirship of their family business. The dying tycoon asks his eldest daughter Chu Pik-Wan to take over the company with the aid of second daughter Chu Pik-Ha, who has just returned home after the death of her husband, and the still-in-school youngest daughter Chu Pik-Lam. Conflict brews between the siblings as Pik-Wan suspects that her husband Ho Cheung-Hing still harbours illicit desires for Ha. When a woman suddenly appears and claims to be their father's mistress, can the Chu sisters put aside their differences and unite against a common enemy?


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