Art Attack Portugal

Art Attack Portugal



25 - Aparar a Relva
Jan. 01,0001

23 - Canguru
Jan. 01,0001

22 - Basebol
Jan. 01,0001

21 - A Nómada
Jan. 01,0001

20 - Músicos de Rua
Jan. 01,0001

19 - Dança do Ventre
Jan. 01,0001

18 - O Barco a Vapor
Jan. 01,0001

17 - Invasão Espacial
Jan. 01,0001

16 - A Arca da Roupa
Jan. 01,0001

15 - Avestruz
Jan. 01,0001

14 - Aeroporto
Jan. 01,0001

13 - Camião
Jan. 01,0001

12 - Kraken
Jan. 01,0001

11 - Domador de Golfinhos
Jan. 01,0001

10 - Ballet
Jan. 01,0001

9 - Crianças na Praia
Jan. 01,0001

8 - Montar um Touro
Jan. 01,0001

7 - Mergulhador
Jan. 01,0001

6 - Barco no Rio
Jan. 01,0001

5 - Cavalo a Ser Alimentado
Jan. 01,0001

4 - Snowboard
Jan. 01,0001

3 - Cobra.
Jan. 01,0001


Art Attack is an originally British children's television program, first broadcast in June 1990 on Independent Television, by Neil Buchanan. The objective of the program is to make viewers (respectively children) make art with very simple things, but which can give a good concept in terms of art. And all these "contraptions" are made from boxes to plastic bottles, varying from experience to experience. The program was shown in 32 countries, with great international success, having several versions according to these countries.