The Blistering Shot

The Blistering Shot



26 - 季峰意外导致王默受伤
Mar. 14,2022

Ji Feng accidentally caused Wang Mo to be injured

25 - 晏凌遭遇最强防守陷阱
Mar. 14,2022

Yan Ling encountered the strongest defensive trap

24 - 不服就干!季峰继续努力
Mar. 14,2022

If you don't like it, do it! Ji Feng keep up the good work!

23 - 颗粒无收!季峰遭到群嘲
Mar. 21,2022

Granularity! Ji Feng was mocked by the group

22 - 季峰保持鸭蛋进球数
Mar. 14,2022

Ji Feng keeps the number of duck-egg goals

21 - 晏凌上演帽子戏法
Mar. 14,2022

Yan Ling scores a hat-trick

20 - 季峰向田甜许下诺言
Mar. 14,2022

Ji Feng made a promise to Tian Tian Tian

19 - 季峰不经意伤害田甜
Mar. 14,2022

Ji Feng inadvertently hurt Tian Tian Tian

18 - 食堂大妈点化季峰
Mar. 14,2022

Cafeteria ama nudges Ji Feng

17 - 王默用传球带季峰躺赢
Mar. 14,2022

Wang Mo used the pass to take Ji Feng to lie down and win

16 - 季峰晏凌一波训练互怼
Mar. 14,2022

Ji Feng Yan Ling a wave of training dislike each other

15 - 季峰好心办了“坏事”
Mar. 14,2022

Ji Feng's good intentions did "bad things"

14 - 原来季峰家里有矿
Mar. 14,2022

So Ji Feng's family has a mine

13 - 努力!季峰完成特训
Mar. 14,2022

Effort! Ji Feng completes special training

12 - 晏凌放大招折服季峰
Mar. 14,2022

Yan Ling's big move to convince Ji Feng

11 - 特训!季峰被花式蹂躏
Mar. 14,2022

Special training! Ji Feng was ravaged in a fancy way

10 - 逆袭的下半场
Mar. 14,2022

The second half of the reversal

9 - 悲剧的上半场
Mar. 14,2022

The first half of the tragedy

8 - 球队来了神秘间谍
Mar. 14,2022

The team has a mysterious spy

7 - 晏凌与教练矛盾爆发
Mar. 14,2022

Yan Ling's conflict with the coach broke out

6 - 队长王默重新振作
Mar. 14,2022

Captain Wang Mo re-energized

5 - 季峰首秀沦为笑柄
Mar. 14,2022

Ji Feng's debut falls into a laughing stock

4 - 奇怪的测试
Mar. 14,2022

Strange test

3 - 新教练来了
Mar. 14,2022

The new coach is here

2 - 男子汉的约定
Mar. 14,2022

Manly engagement

1 - 卫冕冠军输球了
Mar. 09,2022

The defending champions lost the game


The film tells the story of a lost teenager who finds his goal and dream in life through participation in soccer. He An, a coach returning from a soccer youth training club in Spain, stumbles upon a gifted youngster and brings the hapless boy named Ji Feng to the Yanhu Soccer Special School. There, Ji Feng met his fated teammates and opponents and together they embarked on their soccer journey. He kept growing, learning persistence, trust, unity, and redemption ...... finally became the team's indispensable bayonet striker and the most important piece of the puzzle to win the championship. The soccer boys sweat, enjoy themselves, chase their dreams and write their own inspirational growth saga for Chinese soccer. 影片讲述了一个迷茫少年通过参与足球运动找到人生目标与梦想的故事。从西班牙某足球青训俱乐部进修归国的教练何安偶然发现了一个天赋异禀的少年,并将这个叫季峰的懵懂少年带到了炎虎足球特色学校。在那里,季峰遇到了他宿命的队友们和对手,一起踏上了他们的足球之路。他不断成长,学会坚持、信任、团结、救赎……终于成为球队不可或缺的刺刀前锋和夺冠最重要的一块拼图。足球少年们挥洒着汗水,享受着快乐,追逐着梦想,为中国足球写下了自己的励志成长传奇。